Experience a life changing acquisitions with a partner you know and trust.
Experience a life changing acquisitions with a partner you know and trust.
Must be able to take a controlling position.
Minimum of 2-3 years in business with stable or growing trends.
Minimum of $500K Revenue or:
50% profit margin (Agencies) or 70% (SaaS)
Minimum of $250K EBITDA.
Minimum of 60% monthly recurring revenue. (MRR)
Less than 30% revenue concentration among top 10 clients.
Also potentially interested in purchasing absentee run brick and mortar businesses with:
-At least 300K steady provable revenue per year.
-Clean financials. (No primarily cash businesses)
-Available Tax Returns as well as computer generated P&L's and Balance Sheets.
- 3+ years of operating history.
-SDE or EBITDA of 100K+.